Flat Iron


Knights Drugs is the third-best drug store retail chain in the country. They aren’t as big or fancy as Walgreens or CVS, but what they lack in size, marketing, and/or location they make up in quality customer service.

CUT TO an adult Valerie Cho (26), head photo specialist, standing behind the main cash register. A woman comes into the store with a Knights Drugs shopping bag hoping to make a return. Jimmy Eat World’s “The Middle” plays on the store radio.

Valerie: “Welcome to Knights Drugs, what can I do for you this evening?”

Customer: “I would like to return this flat iron. It never got hot for me.”

Valerie: “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have the receipt?”

Customer: “Yeah I do. I guess the flat iron only sees me as a friend.”

Valerie: “Rejection can be hard, even when it comes from our appliances. Just because we buy them doesn’t mean that they have to love us.”

Customer: “True, I’ll make it through. I know there is a flat iron somewhere out there that will get hot for me.”

Valerie: “There you go.”