APA Style

This is a true story, the only thing that have been changed are the names of the innocent.

I worked at a Dunkin’ Donuts for six months as a shift lead. I worked the closing shift, Thursday through Monday. On Sunday nights, I usually worked with a high school senior named Thomas. Thomas was a good employee, but he hated working Sunday nights. Like clockwork every Sunday two hours into his shift Thomas would ask me if he could leave early. I would say no and that would be the end of it for the night.

After a month of this, I said yes. There was one condition to Thomas’ early release, he would have to write a one page essay, front and back, on why he should leave early. The essay needed to have at least three paragraphs, supporting evidence that had to be cited in APA style format and most importantly have a strong thesis. If he did all of this, I would have let him leave early and clock him out at the end of his shift so he didn’t lose any money for the night.

Thomas thought over it for a few minutes before returning to work. I told him that the offer stood as long as we worked together. We worked together for another three months before I left Dunkin’ Donuts, he never asked me to leave early ever again.